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Breast Feeding
Breast Feeding week : First Week of August

Advantages to the Baby
Colostrum yellowish fluid rich in proteins secreted in the first 2-4 days; good for the development of a healthy immune system. easily digested and absorbed especially by the rapidly developing brain. it has factors that promote maturation of the digestive system.

Breast feeding provides the ideal amount of nutrition: a perfect combination of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats
Has antibodies against bacteria and viruses. Breastfed babies have a better antibody response to vaccines than formulafed babies
Lowers the risk of having asthma or allergies
No lactose intolerance
Breast milk is sterile
Fewer stomach upsets and constipation
Lesser nappy rash and thrush
Proper development of baby's jaw and teeth
Emotionally develop well
Mother baby bonding improves
Babies breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months without any formula are less prone to infections, respiratory illnesses and bouts of diarrhoea.
Breast milk is easily digestible; no constipation for baby.
Higher IQ scores for baby
Babies gain the right amout of weight and do not become obese later
Lowers the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
Reduces the  risk of chronic conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease and type I diabetes in the baby.
Decreases the risk of childhood cancers,

Advantages to the Mother
Premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer
Helps mother to lose pregnancy weight faster
Lowers the risk of having osteoporosis
Better healing postdelivery: oxytocin helps uterus contract. Postdelivery loss of blood is reduced.
Breast feeding - prolactin - estrogena and progesterone kept at bay - menstrual vacation - later prolactin levels decrease and ovulation and menstruation return by 8-9 months. Formula feeding may delay the menstruation
Breast feeding is economical

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